Articles | Volume 40, issue 1
Regular paper
17 Feb 2022
Regular paper |  | 17 Feb 2022

Reconstruction of Mercury's internal magnetic field beyond the octupole

Simon Toepfer, Ida Oertel, Vanita Schiron, Yasuhito Narita, Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, Daniel Heyner, Patrick Kolhey, and Uwe Motschmann

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Revealing the nature of Mercury’s internal magnetic field is one of the primary goals of the BepiColombo mission. Besides the parametrization of the magnetic field contributions, the application of a robust inversion method is of major importance. The present work provides an overview of the most commonly used inversion methods and shows that Capon’s method as well as the Tikhonov regularization enable a high-precision determination of Mercury’s internal magnetic field up to the fifth degree.