Articles | Volume 37, issue 6
Regular paper
10 Dec 2019
Regular paper |  | 10 Dec 2019

Long-term trends in the ionospheric response to solar extreme-ultraviolet variations

Rajesh Vaishnav, Christoph Jacobi, and Jens Berdermann

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Subject: Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy | Keywords: Long-term changes and trends
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We investigate the ionospheric response to the temporal and spatial dynamics of the solar activity using total electron content (TEC) maps and multiple solar proxies. The maximum correlation at a 16–32-d timescale is observed between the He-II, Mg-II, and F30 with respect to global mean TEC, with an effective time delay of about 1 d. The most suitable proxy to represent the solar activity at the timescales of 16–32 d and 32–64 d is He-II.