Articles | Volume 38, issue 1
Regular paper
06 Jan 2020
Regular paper |  | 06 Jan 2020

Ionospheric total electron content responses to HILDCAA intervals

Regia Pereira da Silva, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Manilo Soares Marques, Laysa Cristina Araujo Resende, Juliano Moro, Giorgio Arlan da Silva Picanço, Gilvan Luiz Borba, and Marcos Aurelio Ferreira dos Santos

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Subject: Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy | Keywords: Ionospheric variability
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Cited articles

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Short summary
In this work, we studied the HILDCAA disturbance time effects in the TEC by analyzing local time and seasonal dependences, and the influences of the solar wind velocity on a sample of 10 intervals occurring in 2015 and 2016. The main results show great variability in the hourly distribution of the dTEC between one interval and another, seasonal behavior different from that presented by geomagnetic storms, and interestingly no relation between the dTEC disturbances and the magnitude of the HSS.