Articles | Volume 40, issue 1
Regular paper
25 Jan 2022
Regular paper |  | 25 Jan 2022

Quantifying the non-linear dependence of energetic electron fluxes in the Earth's radiation belts with radial diffusion drivers

Adnane Osmane, Mikko Savola, Emilia Kilpua, Hannu Koskinen, Joseph E. Borovsky, and Milla Kalliokoski

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Venla Koikkalainen, Emilia Kilpua, Simon Good, and Adnane Osmane
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (NPG).
Short summary
Permutation entropy and complexity analysis of large-scale solar wind structures and streams
Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Simon Good, Matti Ala-Lahti, Adnane Osmane, and Venla Koikkalainen
Ann. Geophys., 42, 163–177,,, 2024
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Impact of solar cycle on the non-linearity of the relationship between the solar wind parameters and geomagnetic conditions
Sanni Hoilijoki, Emilia Kilpua, Adnane Osmane, Lucile Turc, Mikko Savola, Veera Lipsanen, Harriet George, and Milla Kalliokoski
Ann. Geophys. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for ANGEO
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Magnetosheath jet evolution as a function of lifetime: global hybrid-Vlasov simulations compared to MMS observations
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Resolution dependence of magnetosheath waves in global hybrid-Vlasov simulations
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Cited articles

Baker, D., Erickson, P., Fennell, J., Foster, J., Jaynes, A., and Verronen, P.: Space weather effects in the Earth's radiation belts, Space Sci. Rev., 214, 1–60, 2018. a
Balikhin, M. A., Boynton, R. J., Walker, S. N., Borovsky, J. E., Billings, S. A., and Wei, H. L.: Using the NARMAX approach to model the evolution of energetic electrons fluxes at geostationary orbit, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L18105,, 2011. a
Borovsky, J. E.: Time-Integral Correlations of Multiple Variables With the Relativistic-Electron Flux at Geosynchronous Orbit: The Strong Roles of Substorm-Injected Electrons and the Ion Plasma Sheet, J. Geophysical Res.-Space, 122, 11961–11990,, 2017. a
Borovsky, J. E. and Denton, M. H.: Exploring the cross correlations and autocorrelations of the ULF indices and incorporating the ULF indices into the systems science of the solar wind-driven magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res.-Space, 119, 4307–4334,, 2014. a
Borovsky, J. E. and Funsten, H. O.: Role of solar wind turbulence in the coupling of the solar wind to the Earth's magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res.-Space, 108, 1246,, 2003. a
Short summary
It has long been known that particles get accelerated close to the speed of light in the near-Earth space environment. Research in the last decades has also clarified what processes and waves are responsible for the acceleration of particles. However, it is difficult to quantify the scale of the impact of various processes competing with one another. In this study we present a methodology to quantify the impact waves can have on energetic particles.