Articles | Volume 39, issue 3
Regular paper
18 May 2021
Regular paper |  | 18 May 2021

Attenuation of plasmaspheric hiss associated with the enhanced magnetospheric electric field

Haimeng Li, Wen Li, Qianli Ma, Yukitoshi Nishimura, Zhigang Yuan, Alex J. Boyd, Xiaochen Shen, Rongxin Tang, and Xiaohua Deng

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We report an event where hiss wave intensity decreased, associated with the enhanced convection and a substorm. We suggest that the enhanced magnetospheric electric field causes the outward and sunward motion of energetic electrons. This leads to the decrease of energetic electron fluxes on the duskside, which provide free energy for hiss amplification. The study reveals the important role of magnetospheric electric field in the variation of the energetic electron flux and hiss wave intensity.