Articles | Volume 36, issue 3
ANGEO Communicates
06 Jun 2018
ANGEO Communicates |  | 06 Jun 2018

Seasonal variability of atmospheric tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere: meteor radar data and simulations

Dimitry Pokhotelov, Erich Becker, Gunter Stober, and Jorge L. Chau

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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 5897–5907,,, 2023
Short summary
Inferring neutral winds in the ionospheric transition region from atmospheric-gravity-wave traveling-ionospheric-disturbance (AGW-TID) observations with the EISCAT VHF radar and the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster
Florian Günzkofer, Dimitry Pokhotelov, Gunter Stober, Ingrid Mann, Sharon L. Vadas, Erich Becker, Anders Tjulin, Alexander Kozlovsky, Masaki Tsutsumi, Njål Gulbrandsen, Satonori Nozawa, Mark Lester, Evgenia Belova, Johan Kero, Nicholas J. Mitchell, and Claudia Borries
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Interhemispheric differences of mesosphere–lower thermosphere winds and tides investigated from three whole-atmosphere models and meteor radar observations
Gunter Stober, Ales Kuchar, Dimitry Pokhotelov, Huixin Liu, Han-Li Liu, Hauke Schmidt, Christoph Jacobi, Kathrin Baumgarten, Peter Brown, Diego Janches, Damian Murphy, Alexander Kozlovsky, Mark Lester, Evgenia Belova, Johan Kero, and Nicholas Mitchell
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Statistical climatology of mid-latitude mesospheric summer echoes characterised by OSWIN (Ostsee-Wind) radar observations
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Related subject area

Subject: Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy | Keywords: Waves and tides
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Identifying gravity waves launched by the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha′apai volcanic eruption in mesosphere/lower-thermosphere winds derived from CONDOR and the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster
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A case study of a ducted gravity wave event over northern Germany using simultaneous airglow imaging and wind-field observations
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Cited articles

Achatz, U., Grieger, N., and Schmidt, H.: Mechanisms controlling the diurnal solar tide: Analysis using a GCM and a linear model, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A08303,, 2008. a
Becker, E.: Mean-flow effects of thermal tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 2043–2062,, 2017. a, b, c, d
Becker, E. and Vadas, S. L.: Secondary gravity waves in the winter mesosphere: Results from a high-resolution global circulation model, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 123, 2605–2627,, 2018. a
Buriti, R. A., Hocking, W. K., Batista, P. P., Medeiros, A. F., and Clemesha, B. R.: Observations of equatorial mesospheric winds over Cariri (7.4 S) by a meteor radar and comparison with existing models, Ann. Geophys., 26, 485–497,, 2008. a
Davis, R. N., Du, J., Smith, A. K., Ward, W. E., and Mitchell, N. J.: The diurnal and semidiurnal tides over Ascension Island (8 S, 14 W) and their interaction with the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation: studies with meteor radar, eCMAM and WACCM, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 9543–9564,, 2013. a, b
Short summary
Atmospheric tides are produced by solar heating of the lower atmosphere. The tides propagate to the upper atmosphere and ionosphere playing an important role in the vertical coupling. Ground radar measurements of the seasonal variability of tides are compared with global numerical simulations. The agreement with radar data and limitations of the numerical model are discussed. The work represents a first step in modelling the impact of tidal dynamics on the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.