Articles | Volume 36, issue 6
Regular paper
14 Dec 2018
Regular paper |  | 14 Dec 2018

Validation of Clyde River SuperDARN radar velocity measurements with the RISR-C incoherent scatter radar

Alexander Koustov, Robert Gillies, and Peter Bankole

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Cited articles

Bahcivan, H., Nicolls, M. J., and Perry, G.: Comparison of SuperDARN irregularity drift measurements and F-region ion velocities from Resolute Bay ISR, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phy., 105–106, 325–331,, 2013. 
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Davies, J. A., Yeoman, T. K., Lester, M., and Milan, S. E.: Letter to the Editor: A comparison of F-region ion velocity observations from the EISCAT Svalbard and VHF radars with irregularity drift velocity measurements from the CUTLASS Finland HF radar, Ann. Geophys., 18, 589–594,, 2000. 
Ghezelbash, M., Koustov, A. V., Themens, D. R., and Jayachandran, P. T.: Seasonal and diurnal variations of PolarDARN F region echo occurrence in the polar cap and their causes, J. Geophys. Res.-Space, 119, 10426–10439,, 2014. 
Short summary
Clyde River (CLY) SuperDARN radar velocities reflecting plasma flows in the ionosphere are consistent with measurements by the incoherent scatter radar RISR. While agreement is good in the range of RISR velocity magnitudes of 0–700 m s−1, CLY velocities become progressively smaller at faster flows. In one example of strong disagreements between the instruments, by 200 m s−1, the radars monitored strongly sheared flows. Validation of the CLY radar confirms the reliability of SuperDARN operation.