Articles | Volume 38, issue 5
Regular paper
16 Sep 2020
Regular paper |  | 16 Sep 2020

Magnetic field fluctuation properties of coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions in the near-Earth solar wind

Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Dominique Fontaine, Simon W. Good, Matti Ala-Lahti, Adnane Osmane, Erika Palmerio, Emiliya Yordanova, Clement Moissard, Lina Z. Hadid, and Miho Janvier

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Cited articles

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Ala-Lahti, M. M., Kilpua, E. K. J., Dimmock, A. P., Osmane, A., Pulkkinen, T., and Souček, J.: Statistical analysis of mirror mode waves in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejection, Ann. Geophys., 36, 793–808,, 2018. a, b
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Short summary
This paper studies magnetic field fluctuations in three turbulent sheath regions ahead of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) in the near-Earth solar wind. Our results show that fluctuation properties vary significantly in different parts of the sheath when compared to solar wind ahead. Turbulence in sheaths resembles that of the slow solar wind in the terrestrial magnetosheath, e.g. regarding compressibility and intermittency, and it often lacks Kolmogorov's spectral indices.