Articles | Volume 37, issue 2
Regular paper
09 Apr 2019
Regular paper |  | 09 Apr 2019

On the convection of ionospheric density features

John D. de Boer, Jean-Marc A. Noël, and Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice

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Subject: Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy | Keywords: Ionospheric irregularities
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Cited articles

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de Boer, J. D., Noël, J.-M. A., and St.-Maurice, J.-P.: The effects of mesoscale regions of precipitation on the ionospheric dynamics, electrodynamics and electron density in the presence of strong ambient electric fields, Ann. Geophys., 28, 1345–1360,, 2010. a, b
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Hosokawa, K., St-Maurice, J.-P., Sofko, G. J., Shiokawa, K., Otsuka, Y., and Ogawa, T.: Reorganization of polar cap patches through shears in the background plasma convection, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A01303,, 2010. a
Short summary
Modelling aurorae, we asked what boundary condition (BC) to use for the E field on the upper boundary. Typically a Dirichlet BC is used, since processes above the domain generate E. But then conductivity structures trigger FACs driven immediately by magnetospheric convection, even though it is a finite energy source, delayed by the Alfvén speed. If the BC is not ideal, then E x B drift in the ionosphere depends on the plasma's properties. So we investigated.