Articles | Volume 36, issue 2
© Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Special issue:
© Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Study of sporadic E layers based on GPS radio occultation measurements and digisonde data over the Brazilian region
Laysa C. A. Resende
National Institute for Space Research (INPE) S. J. Campos, SP, Brazil
Christina Arras
German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam,
Inez S. Batista
National Institute for Space Research (INPE) S. J. Campos, SP, Brazil
Clezio M. Denardini
National Institute for Space Research (INPE) S. J. Campos, SP, Brazil
Thainá O. Bertollotto
National Institute for Space Research (INPE) S. J. Campos, SP, Brazil
Juliano Moro
State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, National Space Science Center,
China Academy of Science, CAS, Beijing, China
Southern Regional Space Research Center –
CRS/COCRE/INPE, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Related authors
Pedro Alves Fontes, Marcio Tadeu de Assis Honorato Muella, Laysa Cristina Araújo Resende, Vânia Fátima Andrioli, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Valdir Gil Pillat, Paulo Prado Batista, and Alexander Jose Carrasco
Ann. Geophys., 41, 209–224,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
In the terrestrial ionosphere, sporadic (metallic) layers are formed. The formation of these layers are related to the action of atmospheric waves. These waves, also named tides, are due to the absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere. We investigated the role of the tides with 8 h period in the formation of the sporadic layers. The study was conducted using ionosonde and meteor radar data, as well as computing simulations. The 8 h tides intensified the density of the sporadic layers.
Giorgio Arlan Silva Picanço, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Paulo Alexandre Bronzato Nogueira, Laysa Cristina Araujo Resende, Carolina Sousa Carmo, Sony Su Chen, Paulo França Barbosa-Neto, and Esmeralda Romero-Hernandez
Ann. Geophys., 40, 503–517,,, 2022
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Short summary
In this work, we use the Disturbance Ionosphere indeX (DIX) to study equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) events over the Brazilian equatorial and low latitudes. Our results showed that the DIX detected EPB disturbances in terms of their intensity and occurrence times. Therefore, these responses agreed with the ionosphere behavior before, during, and after the studied EPBs. Finally, these disturbances tended to be higher (lower) in high (low) solar activity.
Laysa C. A. Resende, Yajun Zhu, Clezio M. Denardini, Sony S. Chen, Ronan A. J. Chagas, Lígia A. Da Silva, Carolina S. Carmo, Juliano Moro, Diego Barros, Paulo A. B. Nogueira, José P. Marchezi, Giorgio A. S. Picanço, Paulo Jauer, Régia P. Silva, Douglas Silva, José A. Carrasco, Chi Wang, and Zhengkuan Liu
Ann. Geophys., 40, 191–203,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
This study showed the ionospheric response over low-latitude regions in Brazil predicted by Martínez-Ledesma et al. (2020) for the solar eclipse event on 14 December 2020. We used a multi-instrumental and modeling analysis to observe the modifications in the E and F regions and the Es layers over Campo Grande and Cachoeira Paulista. The results showed that solar eclipses can cause significant ionosphere modifications even though they only partially reach the Brazilian low-latitude regions.
Juliano Moro, Jiyao Xu, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Laysa Cristina Araújo Resende, Régia Pereira Silva, Sony Su Chen, Giorgio Arlan da Silva Picanço, Liu Zhengkuan, Hui Li, Chunxiao Yan, Chi Wang, and Nelson Jorge Schuch
Ann. Geophys., 38, 457–466,,, 2020
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The monthly averages of the F2 critical frequency (foF2), its peak height (hmF2), and the E-region critical frequency (foE) acquired by the DPS4-D installed in Santa Maria, Brazil, is compared to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) model predictions. It is important to test the performance of the IRI over Santa Maria because it is located in the SAMA, which is a region particularly important for high-frequency (HF) ground-to-satellite navigation signals.
Regia Pereira da Silva, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Manilo Soares Marques, Laysa Cristina Araujo Resende, Juliano Moro, Giorgio Arlan da Silva Picanço, Gilvan Luiz Borba, and Marcos Aurelio Ferreira dos Santos
Ann. Geophys., 38, 27–34,,, 2020
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In this work, we studied the HILDCAA disturbance time effects in the TEC by analyzing local time and seasonal dependences, and the influences of the solar wind velocity on a sample of 10 intervals occurring in 2015 and 2016. The main results show great variability in the hourly distribution of the dTEC between one interval and another, seasonal behavior different from that presented by geomagnetic storms, and interestingly no relation between the dTEC disturbances and the magnitude of the HSS.
Laysa Cristina Araujo Resende, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Giorgio Arlan Silva Picanço, Juliano Moro, Diego Barros, Cosme Alexandre Oliveira Barros Figueiredo, and Régia Pereira Silva
Ann. Geophys., 37, 807–818,,, 2019
Short summary
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The Brazilian Space Weather Study and Monitoring Program (Embrace) has been developing different indexes that describe ionospheric effects in the Brazilian sector. The main purpose of this work was to produce a new ionospheric scale based on the analysis of the ionospheric plasma drift velocity. We analyzed 7 years of data in order to construct a standardized scale. The results of this new index allow us to evaluate the impacts of ionospheric phenomena in the space weather environment.
Miriam Sinnhuber, Christina Arras, Stefan Bender, Bernd Funke, Hanli Liu, Daniel R. Marsh, Thomas Reddmann, Eugene Rozanov, Timofei Sukhodolov, Monika E. Szelag, and Jan Maik Wissing
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Formation of nitric oxide NO in the upper atmosphere varies with solar activity. Observations show that it starts a chain of processes in the entire atmosphere affecting the ozone layer and climate system. This is often underestimated in models. We compare five models which show large differences in simulated NO. Analysis of results point out problems related to the oxygen balance, and to the impact of atmospheric waves on dynamics. Both must be modeled well to reproduce the downward coupling.
Pedro Alves Fontes, Marcio Tadeu de Assis Honorato Muella, Laysa Cristina Araújo Resende, Vânia Fátima Andrioli, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Valdir Gil Pillat, Paulo Prado Batista, and Alexander Jose Carrasco
Ann. Geophys., 41, 209–224,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
In the terrestrial ionosphere, sporadic (metallic) layers are formed. The formation of these layers are related to the action of atmospheric waves. These waves, also named tides, are due to the absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere. We investigated the role of the tides with 8 h period in the formation of the sporadic layers. The study was conducted using ionosonde and meteor radar data, as well as computing simulations. The 8 h tides intensified the density of the sporadic layers.
Christoph Jacobi, Kanykei Kandieva, and Christina Arras
Adv. Radio Sci., 20, 85–92,,, 2023
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Sporadic E (Es) layers are thin regions of accumulated ions in the lower ionosphere. They can be observed by disturbances of GNSS links between low-Earth orbiting satellites and GNSS satellites. Es layers are influenced by neutral atmospheric tides and show the coupling between the neutral atmosphere and the ionosphere. Here we analyse migrating (sun-synchronous) and non-migrating tidal components in Es. The main signatures are migrating Es, but nonmigrating components are found as well.
Giorgio Arlan Silva Picanço, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Paulo Alexandre Bronzato Nogueira, Laysa Cristina Araujo Resende, Carolina Sousa Carmo, Sony Su Chen, Paulo França Barbosa-Neto, and Esmeralda Romero-Hernandez
Ann. Geophys., 40, 503–517,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
In this work, we use the Disturbance Ionosphere indeX (DIX) to study equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) events over the Brazilian equatorial and low latitudes. Our results showed that the DIX detected EPB disturbances in terms of their intensity and occurrence times. Therefore, these responses agreed with the ionosphere behavior before, during, and after the studied EPBs. Finally, these disturbances tended to be higher (lower) in high (low) solar activity.
Ângela M. Santos, Christiano G. M. Brum, Inez S. Batista, José H. A. Sobral, Mangalathayil A. Abdu, and Jonas R. Souza
Ann. Geophys., 40, 259–269,,, 2022
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Using the Digisonde data this paper shows that the small variation in the geomagnetic activity during low solar activity can affect both the parameter of height and the frequency of the intermediate layer (ILs) over the low-latitude Brazilian sector. The most expressive responses of the ILs to geomagnetic activity were observed during the summer when the height of the ILs suffered a significant decrease with the increase of the magnetic activity magnetic in the first hours of the day.
Laysa C. A. Resende, Yajun Zhu, Clezio M. Denardini, Sony S. Chen, Ronan A. J. Chagas, Lígia A. Da Silva, Carolina S. Carmo, Juliano Moro, Diego Barros, Paulo A. B. Nogueira, José P. Marchezi, Giorgio A. S. Picanço, Paulo Jauer, Régia P. Silva, Douglas Silva, José A. Carrasco, Chi Wang, and Zhengkuan Liu
Ann. Geophys., 40, 191–203,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
This study showed the ionospheric response over low-latitude regions in Brazil predicted by Martínez-Ledesma et al. (2020) for the solar eclipse event on 14 December 2020. We used a multi-instrumental and modeling analysis to observe the modifications in the E and F regions and the Es layers over Campo Grande and Cachoeira Paulista. The results showed that solar eclipses can cause significant ionosphere modifications even though they only partially reach the Brazilian low-latitude regions.
Ana Roberta Paulino, Fabiano da Silva Araújo, Igo Paulino, Cristiano Max Wrasse, Lourivaldo Mota Lima, Paulo Prado Batista, and Inez Staciarini Batista
Ann. Geophys., 39, 151–164,,, 2021
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Long- and short-period oscillations in the lunar semidiurnal tidal amplitudes in the ionosphere derived from the total electron content were investigated over Brazil from 2011 to 2014. The results showed annual, semiannual and triannual oscillations as the dominant components. Additionally, the most pronounced short-period oscillations were observed between 7 and 11 d, which suggest a possible coupling of the lunar tide and planetary waves.
Joyrles Fernandes de Moraes, Igo Paulino, Lívia R. Alves, and Clezio Marcos Denardini
Ann. Geophys., 38, 881–888,,, 2020
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Effects of space weather events in technological systems were studied in the tropical region of Brazil by investigating the Bolivia–Brazil pipeline during space weather events with different intensities. The results presented significant corrosion levels during the 17 March 2015 geomagnetic storm and showed that the effects of space weather must be accounted for, even in low latitudes, since the lifetime of the pipelines can be reduced.
Ankur Kepkar, Christina Arras, Jens Wickert, Harald Schuh, Mahdi Alizadeh, and Lung-Chih Tsai
Ann. Geophys., 38, 611–623,,, 2020
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The paper focuses on the analyses of the global occurrence of equatorial plasma bubble events using S4 data that were calculated from GPS radio occultation measurements of the FormoSat-3/COSMIC mission. The advantage in using radio occultation data is that we get information not only on the occurrence and intensity of the equatorial bubble events, but also on the altitude distribution. We analyzed a 10.5-year time series of COSMIC data and demonstrated a strong dependence on the solar cycle.
Juliano Moro, Jiyao Xu, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Laysa Cristina Araújo Resende, Régia Pereira Silva, Sony Su Chen, Giorgio Arlan da Silva Picanço, Liu Zhengkuan, Hui Li, Chunxiao Yan, Chi Wang, and Nelson Jorge Schuch
Ann. Geophys., 38, 457–466,,, 2020
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The monthly averages of the F2 critical frequency (foF2), its peak height (hmF2), and the E-region critical frequency (foE) acquired by the DPS4-D installed in Santa Maria, Brazil, is compared to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2016) model predictions. It is important to test the performance of the IRI over Santa Maria because it is located in the SAMA, which is a region particularly important for high-frequency (HF) ground-to-satellite navigation signals.
Igo Paulino, Ana Roberta Paulino, Ricardo Y. C. Cueva, Ebenezer Agyei-Yeboah, Ricardo Arlen Buriti, Hisao Takahashi, Cristiano Max Wrasse, Ângela M. Santos, Amauri Fragoso de Medeiros, and Inez S. Batista
Ann. Geophys., 38, 437–443,,, 2020
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In this paper, an extensive study has been done in order to investigate periodic oscillations in the start times of equatorial plasma bubbles observed over Brazil. Using OI6300 airglow images and ionograms, it was possible to detect semimonthly oscillations in the start times of equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) and equatorial Spread-F. This semimonthly oscillation is likely related to the lunar tide, which represents an important mechanism acting in the day-to-day variability of EPBs.
Regia Pereira da Silva, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Manilo Soares Marques, Laysa Cristina Araujo Resende, Juliano Moro, Giorgio Arlan da Silva Picanço, Gilvan Luiz Borba, and Marcos Aurelio Ferreira dos Santos
Ann. Geophys., 38, 27–34,,, 2020
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In this work, we studied the HILDCAA disturbance time effects in the TEC by analyzing local time and seasonal dependences, and the influences of the solar wind velocity on a sample of 10 intervals occurring in 2015 and 2016. The main results show great variability in the hourly distribution of the dTEC between one interval and another, seasonal behavior different from that presented by geomagnetic storms, and interestingly no relation between the dTEC disturbances and the magnitude of the HSS.
Ângela Machado dos Santos, Inez Staciarini Batista, Mangalathayil Ali Abdu, José Humberto Andrade Sobral, Jonas Rodrigues de Souza, and Christiano Garnett Marques Brum
Ann. Geophys., 37, 1005–1024,,, 2019
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For the first time, the climatology of intermediate descending layers (~150 km) over Brazilian equatorial and low-latitude regions during the extreme solar minimum period of 2009 was investigated. The results are interesting and innovative. For this analysis we used data of height and top frequency of intermediate layers collected from a digisonde located at São Luis and Cachoreira Paulista.
Christoph Jacobi and Christina Arras
Adv. Radio Sci., 17, 213–224,,, 2019
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We analyze tidal phases and related wind shear in the mesosphere and
lower thermosphere as observed by a meteor radar. The wind shear phases are compared with those of sporadic E occurrence rates, which were derived from GPS radio occultation observations. We find good correspondence between radar derived wind shear and sporadic E phases for the semidiurnal, terdiurnal, and quarterdiurnal tidal components, but not for the diurnal tide.
Laysa Cristina Araujo Resende, Clezio Marcos Denardini, Giorgio Arlan Silva Picanço, Juliano Moro, Diego Barros, Cosme Alexandre Oliveira Barros Figueiredo, and Régia Pereira Silva
Ann. Geophys., 37, 807–818,,, 2019
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Short summary
The Brazilian Space Weather Study and Monitoring Program (Embrace) has been developing different indexes that describe ionospheric effects in the Brazilian sector. The main purpose of this work was to produce a new ionospheric scale based on the analysis of the ionospheric plasma drift velocity. We analyzed 7 years of data in order to construct a standardized scale. The results of this new index allow us to evaluate the impacts of ionospheric phenomena in the space weather environment.
Claudia M. N. Candido, Jiankui Shi, Inez S. Batista, Fabio Becker-Guedes, Emília Correia, Mangalathayil A. Abdu, Jonathan Makela, Nanan Balan, Narayan Chapagain, Chi Wang, and Zhengkuan Liu
Ann. Geophys., 37, 657–672,,, 2019
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This study concerns postmidnight ionospheric irregularities observed during low solar activity conditions. We analyze data from digisondes and optical imaging systems located in an equatorial region over Brazil. The results show that they occur under unfavorable and unexpected conditions. This work can be useful for space weather forecasting during low solar activity.
Christoph Jacobi, Christina Arras, Christoph Geißler, and Friederike Lilienthal
Ann. Geophys., 37, 273–288,,, 2019
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Sporadic E (Es) layers in the Earth's ionosphere are produced by ion convergence due to vertical wind shear in the presence of a horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field. We present analyses of the 6 h tidal signatures in ES occurrence rates derived from GPS radio observations. Times of maxima in ES agree well with those of negative wind shear obtained from radar observation. The global distribution of ES amplitudes agrees with wind shear amplitudes from numerical modeling.
Maurício J. A. Bolzan, Clezio M. Denardini, and Alexandre Tardelli
Ann. Geophys., 36, 937–943,,, 2018
Mangalathayil A. Abdu, Paulo A. B. Nogueira, Angela M. Santos, Jonas R. de Souza, Inez S. Batista, and Jose H. A. Sobral
Ann. Geophys., 36, 609–620,,, 2018
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Equatorial ionospheric irregularities have a significant detrimental impact on a variety of space application systems in navigation and communication areas that utilize satellites, especially the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) network. The development of these irregularities in the nighttime ionosphere is controlled primarily by ionospheric electric fields and instabilities. The effect of magnetic disturbance on these electric fields and on the irregularities is investigated here.
Amelia Naomi Onohara, Inez Staciarini Batista, and Paulo Prado Batista
Ann. Geophys., 36, 459–471,,, 2018
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Global coverage measurements made by satellites have provided observational studies which have shown the presence of four peaks in global longitudinal structures from global local time observations of equatorial ionization anomalies. The structures seen in the ionosphere are related to the diurnal non-migrating wave that comes from the troposphere and can be noticed in periods of low and high solar activity in the low-latitude ionosphere regions, mainly at altitudes from ~ 250 km up to ~ 800 km.
Paulo A. B. Nogueira, Mangalathayil A. Abdu, Jonas R. Souza, Clezio M. Denardini, Paulo F. Barbosa Neto, João P. Serra de Souza da Costa, and Ana P. M. Silva
Ann. Geophys., 36, 139–147,,, 2018
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We have analyzed the low-latitude ionospheric responses to solar flares. In particular we show for the first time that 5 to 8 min of time delay is present in the peak effect in the EEJ, with respect that of Sq current outside the magnetic equator, in response to the flare radiation enhancement. We propose that the flare induced enhancement in neutral wind occurring with a time delay could be responsible for a delayed zonal electric field disturbance driving the EEJ.
Ângela M. Santos, Mangalathayil A. Abdu, Jonas R. Souza, Inez S. Batista, and José H. A. Sobral
Ann. Geophys., 35, 1219–1229,,, 2017
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This paper analyzes the influence of the recent deep and prolonged solar minimum on the daytime zonal and vertical plasma drift velocities during quiet time over Jicamarca, Peru. Our results show that an anomalously low zonal wind was mainly responsible for the observed anomalous behavior in the zonal drift followed by a decrease in the E-region conductivity and the dynamo electric field during 2008.
Cosme Alexandre O. B. Figueiredo, Ricardo A. Buriti, Igo Paulino, John W. Meriwether, Jonathan J. Makela, Inez S. Batista, Diego Barros, and Amauri F. Medeiros
Ann. Geophys., 35, 953–963,,, 2017
A. N. Onohara, I. S. Batista, and H. Takahashi
Ann. Geophys., 31, 209–215,,, 2013
Short summary
We present new results on the behavior of sporadic E layers (Es layers) using GPS (global positioning system) radio occultation (RO) measurements obtained from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC satellites and digisonde data over Cachoeira Paulista, a low-latitude station in Brazil.
We present new results on the behavior of sporadic E layers (Es layers) using GPS (global...
Special issue