Articles | Volume 39, issue 4
Regular paper
12 Jul 2021
Regular paper |  | 12 Jul 2021

Role of eddy diffusion in the delayed ionospheric response to solar flux changes

Rajesh Vaishnav, Christoph Jacobi, Jens Berdermann, Mihail Codrescu, and Erik Schmölter

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Subject: Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy | Keywords: Solar-induced atmospheric variability
Ionospheric response to solar extreme ultraviolet radiation variations: comparison based on CTIPe model simulations and satellite measurements
Rajesh Vaishnav, Erik Schmölter, Christoph Jacobi, Jens Berdermann, and Mihail Codrescu
Ann. Geophys., 39, 341–355,,, 2021
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
We investigate the role of eddy diffusion in the delayed ionospheric response against solar flux changes in the solar rotation period using the CTIPe model. The study confirms that eddy diffusion is an important factor affecting the delay of the total electron content. An increase in eddy diffusion leads to faster transport processes and an increased loss rate, resulting in a decrease in the ionospheric delay.