Articles | Volume 38, issue 1
Regular paper
17 Jan 2020
Regular paper |  | 17 Jan 2020

Evidence of vertical coupling: meteorological storm Fabienne on 23 September 2018 and its related effects observed up to the ionosphere

Petra Koucká Knížová, Kateřina Podolská, Kateřina Potužníková, Daniel Kouba, Zbyšek Mošna, Josef Boška, and Michal Kozubek

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Short summary
Severe meteorological storm Fabienne passing above central Europe was observed. Significant variations of atmospheric and ionospheric parameters were detected. Above Europe, stratospheric temperature and wind significantly changed in coincidence with frontal transition. Within ionospheric parameters, we have detected significant wave-like activity shortly after the cold front crossed the observational point. During the storm event, we have observed strong horizontal plasma flow shears.