Articles | Volume 34, issue 10
Regular paper
24 Oct 2016
Regular paper |  | 24 Oct 2016

Filamentary field-aligned currents at the polar cap region during northward interplanetary magnetic field derived with the Swarm constellation

Hermann Lühr, Tao Huang, Simon Wing, Guram Kervalishvili, Jan Rauberg, and Haje Korth

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Preprint under review for ANGEO
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Relation between the asymmetric ring current effect and the anti-sunward auroral currents, as deduced from CHAMP observations
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Quantifying the relationship between the plasmapause and the inner boundary of small-scale field-aligned currents, as deduced from Swarm observations
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Short summary
ESA's constellation mission Swarm makes it possible for the first time to determine field-aligned currents (FACs) reliably in the ionosphere. FACs are able to transport energy from the solar wind to the Earth and heat the upper atmosphere. Here we investigate FAC structures that have been missed by previous satellite missions. Most of them are found poleward of the northern light zone. The energy sources seem to be located on the nightside of Earth about 100 000 km away.