Articles | Volume 39, issue 4
Regular paper
27 Aug 2021
Regular paper |  | 27 Aug 2021

Heavy rainfall, floods, and flash floods influenced by high-speed solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere–ionosphere–atmosphere system

Paul Prikryl, Vojto Rušin, Emil A. Prikryl, Pavel Šťastný, Maroš Turňa, and Martina Zeleňáková

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Short summary
Climate change is affecting the stability of the atmosphere and increasing the occurrence of extreme rainfall and floods, which pose natural hazards with major socio-economic and health impacts. We show that such events tend to follow arrivals of high-speed solar wind. The role of atmospheric waves generated in the auroral region as the mechanism mediating the influence of solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere–ionosphere–atmosphere system on the troposphere is highlighted.