Articles | Volume 38, issue 3
Regular paper
24 Jun 2020
Regular paper |  | 24 Jun 2020

Low-altitude frequency-banded equatorial emissions observed below the electron cyclotron frequency

Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Patrick H. M. Galopeau, Sami Sawas, Valery Denisenko, Konrad Schwingenschuh, Helmut Lammer, Hans U. Eichelberger, Werner Magnes, and Bruno Besser

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A VLF/LF facility network for preseismic electromagnetic investigations
Patrick H. M. Galopeau, Ashanthi S. Maxworth, Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Hans U. Eichelberger, Mustapha Meftah, Pier F. Biagi, and Konrad Schwingenschuh
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 12, 231–237,,, 2023
Short summary
Case study of radio emission beam associated to very low frequency signal recorded onboard CSES satellite
Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Hans U. Eichelberger, Emad Al-Haddad, Werner Magnes, Patrick H. M. Galopeau, Xuemin Zhang, Andreas Pollinger, and Helmut Lammer
Adv. Radio Sci., 20, 77–84,,, 2023
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Observations of Solar Type III radio bursts by Cassini/RPWS experiment
Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Ahmed Abou el-Fadl, Patrick H. M. Galopeau, Eimad Al-Haddad, and Helmut Lammer
Adv. Radio Sci., 18, 83–87,,, 2020
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Strong influence of solar X-ray flares on low-frequency electromagnetic signals in middle latitudes
Alexander Rozhnoi, Maria Solovieva, Viktor Fedun, Peter Gallagher, Joseph McCauley, Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Sergiy Shelyag, and Hans U. Eichelberger
Ann. Geophys., 37, 843–850,,, 2019
Visibility of Type III burst source location as inferred from stereoscopic space observations
M. Y. Boudjada, P. H. M. Galopeau, M. Maksimovic, and H. O. Rucker
Adv. Radio Sci., 12, 167–170,,, 2014

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Subject: Magnetosphere & space plasma physics | Keywords: Plasmasphere
Width of plasmaspheric plumes related to the level of geomagnetic storm intensity
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Ann. Geophys., 40, 673–685,,, 2022
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A new perspective and explanation for the formation of plasmaspheric shoulder structures
Hua Zhang, Guangshuai Peng, Chao Shen, and Yewen Wu
Ann. Geophys., 39, 701–707,,, 2021
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Cited articles

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Short summary
In this paper, we report on observations of frequency-banded wave emissions by ICE (Instrument Champ Électrique) on board DEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions). We distinguish two components: positive and negative frequency drift rates and multiple spaced frequency bands near the magnetic equatorial plane. We show and discuss the non-free-space DEMETER frequency-banded emissions and the free-space terrestrial kilometric radiation.