Articles | Volume 38, issue 6
Regular paper
13 Nov 2020
Regular paper |  | 13 Nov 2020

Observations of precipitation energies during different types of pulsating aurora

Fasil Tesema, Noora Partamies, Hilde Nesse Tyssøy, and Derek McKay

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Cited articles

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EISCAT Scientific Association: VHF and UHF radar analysed data, available at:, last access: 4 November 2020. 
Short summary
In this study, we present the ionization level from EISCAT radar experiments and cosmic noise absorption level from KAIRA riometer observations during pulsating auroras. We found thick layers of ionization that reach down to 70 km (harder precipitation) and higher cosmic noise absorption during patchy pulsating aurora than during amorphous pulsating and patchy auroras.