Articles | Volume 37, issue 3
Regular paper
11 Jun 2019
Regular paper |  | 11 Jun 2019

Evanescent acoustic-gravity modes in the isothermal atmosphere: systematization and applications to the Earth and solar atmospheres

Oleg K. Cheremnykh, Alla K. Fedorenko, Evgen I. Kryuchkov, and Yuriy A. Selivanov


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Short summary
The fundamental mode of oscillations of the solar atmosphere, f-mode, plays an important role in solar physics. At an early stage of observation, it was found that its frequency is related to the wavelength by a ratio characteristic of waves on the surface of deep water. Subsequent observations revealed its inaccuracy. We derived waves with a different frequency–wavelength ratio and compared them with other possible waves of this type in both the solar and terrestrial atmosphere.