Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Regular paper
24 Aug 2018
Regular paper |  | 24 Aug 2018

An empirical model of the thermospheric mass density derived from CHAMP satellite

Chao Xiong, Hermann Lühr, Michael Schmidt, Mathis Bloßfeld, and Sergei Rudenko

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Equatorial plasma bubbles developing around sunrise observed by an all-sky imager and global navigation satellite system network during storm time
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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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The solar activity dependence of nonmigrating tides in electron density at low and middle latitudes observed by CHAMP and GRACE
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Subject: Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun | Keywords: Modelling of the atmosphere
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Ann. Geophys. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for ANGEO
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Cited articles

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