Articles | Volume 41, issue 1
Regular paper
21 Apr 2023
Regular paper |  | 21 Apr 2023

Effects of the terdiurnal tide on the sporadic E (Es) layer development at low latitudes over the Brazilian sector

Pedro Alves Fontes, Marcio Tadeu de Assis Honorato Muella, Laysa Cristina Araújo Resende, Vânia Fátima Andrioli, Paulo Roberto Fagundes, Valdir Gil Pillat, Paulo Prado Batista, and Alexander Jose Carrasco


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Short summary
In the terrestrial ionosphere, sporadic (metallic) layers are formed. The formation of these layers are related to the action of atmospheric waves. These waves, also named tides, are due to the absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere. We investigated the role of the tides with 8 h period in the formation of the sporadic layers. The study was conducted using ionosonde and meteor radar data, as well as computing simulations. The 8 h tides intensified the density of the sporadic layers.