Articles | Volume 39, issue 5
Regular paper
18 Oct 2021
Regular paper |  | 18 Oct 2021

Seasonal features of geomagnetic activity: a study on the solar activity dependence

Adriane Marques de Souza Franco, Rajkumar Hajra, Ezequiel Echer, and Mauricio José Alves Bolzan


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Short summary
We used up-to-date substorms, HILDCAAs and geomagnetic storms of varying intensity along with all available geomagnetic indices during the space exploration era to explore the seasonal features of the geomagnetic activity and their drivers. As substorms, HILDCAAs and magnetic storms of varying intensity have varying solar/interplanetary drivers, such a study is important for acomplete understanding of the seasonal features of the geomagnetic response to the solar/interplanetary events.