Regular paper
15 Sep 2020
Regular paper |

15 Sep 2020
Induced currents due to 3D ground conductivity play a major role in the interpretation of geomagnetic variations
Liisa Juusola, Heikki Vanhamäki, Ari Viljanen, and Maxim Smirnov
Data sets
International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects
Crustal conductivity in Fennoscandia – a compilation of a database on crustal conductance in the Fennoscandian Shield (
T. Korja, M. Engels, A. A. Zhamaletdinov, A. A. Kovtun, N. A. Palshin, M. Y. Smirnov, A. D. Tokarev, V. E. Asming, L. L. Vanyan, I. L. Vardaniants,
and the BEAR Working Group
Model code and software
Apex Python library
C. van der Meeren and A. G. Burrell
PyWavelets/pywt: PyWavelets 1.1.1 (Version v1.1.1)
G. R. Lee, R. Gommers, K. Wohlfahrt, F. Wasilewski, A. O'Leary, H. Nahrstaedt, D. Menéndez Hurtado, A. Sauvé, T. Arildsen, H. Oliveira, D. M. Pelt, A. Agrawal, SylvainLan, M. Pelletier, M. Brett, F. Yu, S. Choudhary, D. Tricoli, L. M. Craig, L. Ravindranathan, J. Dan, jakirkham, J. Antonello, D. Laszuk, D. Goertzen, C. Goldberg, B. Reczey, 0-tree, A. Smith, and asnt