Articles | Volume 38, issue 2
Regular paper
20 Mar 2020
Regular paper |  | 20 Mar 2020

Response of the low- to mid-latitude ionosphere to the geomagnetic storm of September 2017

Nadia Imtiaz, Waqar Younas, and Majid Khan

Data sets

The arrival of CMEs and resulting SSC Ebro Observatory

Solar wind parameters for the characterization of the space weather events Goddard Space Science Data Center

Global thermospheric composition maps GUVI Data Processing Payload Operations Center

Magnetic observatories data International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network

Short summary
We study the impact of the geomagnetic storm of 7–9 September 2017 on the low- to mid-latitude ionosphere. The study is based on the analysis of data from the Global Positioning System (GPS) stations and magnetic observatories located at different longitudinal sectors corresponding to the Pacific, Asia, Africa and the Americas during the period 4–14 September 2017. The GPS data are used to derive the global, regional and vertical total electron content (vTEC) in the four selected regions.