Articles | Volume 38, issue 2
Regular paper
10 Mar 2020
Regular paper |  | 10 Mar 2020

Roles of electrons and ions in formation of the current in mirror-mode structures in the terrestrial plasma sheet: Magnetospheric Multiscale observations

Guoqiang Wang, Tielong Zhang, Mingyu Wu, Daniel Schmid, Yufei Hao, and Martin Volwerk


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Short summary
Currents are believed to exist in mirror-mode structures and to be self-consistent with the magnetic field depression. Bipolar currents are found in two ion-scale magnetic dips. The bipolar current in a small-size magnetic dip is mainly contributed by electron velocities, which is mainly formed by the magnetic gradient–curvature drift. For another large-size magnetic dip, the bipolar current is mainly caused by an ion bipolar velocity, which can be explained by the ion drift motions.