Articles | Volume 37, issue 5
Regular paper
09 Oct 2019
Regular paper |  | 09 Oct 2019

Wavelet analysis of the magnetotail response to solar wind fluctuations during HILDCAA events

Adriane Marques de Souza Franco, Ezequiel Echer, and Mauricio José Alves Bolzan

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Cross-correlation and cross-wavelet analyses of the solar wind IMF Bz and auroral electrojet index AE coupling during HILDCAAs
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The wavelet transform was employed in nine HILDCAA events for intervals in which the Cluster crossed the magnetotail in order to identify the most energetic periods of these events in the magnetotail. It was seen that 76 % of the periods identified are ≤4 h. Using the cross wavelet analysis technique between Bz–IMF components and the Bx geomagnetic components, it was identified that the coupling of energy is stronger in periods between 2 and 4 h, which are typical substorm periods.