Articles | Volume 37, issue 2
ANGEO Communicates
21 Mar 2019
ANGEO Communicates |  | 21 Mar 2019

Statistical analysis of magnetopause crossings at lunar distances

Johannes Z. D. Mieth, Dennis Frühauff, and Karl-Heinz Glassmeier

Related authors

Scale size estimation and flow pattern recognition around a magnetosheath jet
Adrian Pöppelwerth, Georg Glebe, Johannes Z. D. Mieth, Florian Koller, Tomas Karlsson, Zoltán Vörös, and Ferdinand Plaschke
Ann. Geophys., 42, 271–284,,, 2024
Short summary
Dayside magnetopause reconnection and flux transfer events under radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): BepiColombo Earth-flyby observations
Weijie Sun, James A. Slavin, Rumi Nakamura, Daniel Heyner, Karlheinz J. Trattner, Johannes Z. D. Mieth, Jiutong Zhao, Qiu-Gang Zong, Sae Aizawa, Nicolas Andre, and Yoshifumi Saito
Ann. Geophys., 40, 217–229,,, 2022
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Venus's induced magnetosphere during active solar wind conditions at BepiColombo's Venus 1 flyby
Martin Volwerk, Beatriz Sánchez-Cano, Daniel Heyner, Sae Aizawa, Nicolas André, Ali Varsani, Johannes Mieth, Stefano Orsini, Wolfgang Baumjohann, David Fischer, Yoshifumi Futaana, Richard Harrison, Harald Jeszenszky, Iwai Kazumasa, Gunter Laky, Herbert Lichtenegger, Anna Milillo, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Rumi Nakamura, Ferdinand Plaschke, Ingo Richter, Sebastián Rojas Mata, Yoshifumi Saito, Daniel Schmid, Daikou Shiota, and Cyril Simon Wedlund
Ann. Geophys., 39, 811–831,,, 2021
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Magnetometer in-flight offset accuracy for the BepiColombo spacecraft
Daniel Schmid, Ferdinand Plaschke, Yasuhito Narita, Daniel Heyner, Johannes Z. D. Mieth, Brian J. Anderson, Martin Volwerk, Ayako Matsuoka, and Wolfgang Baumjohann
Ann. Geophys., 38, 823–832,,, 2020
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Average plasma sheet polytropic index as observed by THEMIS
Dennis Frühauff, Johannes Z. D. Mieth, and Karl-Heinz Glassmeier
Ann. Geophys., 35, 253–262,,, 2017
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Related subject area

Subject: Magnetosphere & space plasma physics | Keywords: Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers
Magnetopause as conformal mapping
Yasuhito Narita, Simon Toepfer, and Daniel Schmid
Ann. Geophys., 41, 87–91,,, 2023
Short summary
Dayside magnetopause reconnection and flux transfer events under radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF): BepiColombo Earth-flyby observations
Weijie Sun, James A. Slavin, Rumi Nakamura, Daniel Heyner, Karlheinz J. Trattner, Johannes Z. D. Mieth, Jiutong Zhao, Qiu-Gang Zong, Sae Aizawa, Nicolas Andre, and Yoshifumi Saito
Ann. Geophys., 40, 217–229,,, 2022
Short summary
Plasma transport into the duskside magnetopause caused by Kelvin–Helmholtz vortices in response to the northward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field observed by THEMIS
Guang Qing Yan, George K. Parks, Chun Lin Cai, Tao Chen, James P. McFadden, and Yong Ren
Ann. Geophys., 38, 263–273,,, 2020
Short summary
Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of energetic oxygen ions at the duskside magnetopause during intense substorms
Chen Zeng, Suping Duan, Chi Wang, Lei Dai, Stephen Fuselier, James Burch, Roy Torbert, Barbara Giles, and Christopher Russell
Ann. Geophys., 38, 123–135,,, 2020
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Cited articles

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Angelopoulos, V.: The ARTEMIS Mission, Space Sci. Rev., 165, 3–25,, 2010. a
Auster, H. U., Glassmeier, K. H., Magnes, W., Aydogar, O., Baumjohann, W., Constantinescu, D., Fischer, D., Fornacon, K. H., Georgescu, E., Harvey, P., Hillenmaier, O., Kroth, R., Ludlam, M., Narita, Y., Nakamura, R., Okrafka, K., Plaschke, F., Richter, I., Schwarzl, H., Stoll, B., Valavanoglou, A., and Wiedemann, M.: The THEMIS Fluxgate Magnetometer, Space Sci. Rev., 141, 235–264,, 2008. a
Baumjohann, W. and Treumann, R. A.: Basic space plasma physics, Imperial College Press, London, p. 228, 1996. a
Glassmeier, K.-H., Auster, H.-U., Constantinescu, D., Fornaçon, K.-H., Narita, Y., Plaschke, F., Angelopoulos, V., Georgescu, E., Baumjohann, W., Magnes, W., Nakamura, R., Carlson, C. W., Frey, S., McFadden, J. P., Phan, T., Mann, I., Rae, I. J., and Vogt, J.: Magnetospheric quasi-static response to the dynamic magnetosheath: A THEMIS case study, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, 2–6,, 2008. a
Short summary
The magnetopause (MP) is the primary interaction region between solar wind and the magnetic field of planet Earth and understanding of its behaviour also helps to better understand space weather. One famous model of the MP is the Shue et al. model, designed for the dayside and near-Earth situation. We take data of the ARTEMIS mission orbiting the moon and compare the MP position and shape to the model. We find differences in the location prediction but good agreement for the MP normal direction.