Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Regular paper
27 Jul 2018
Regular paper |  | 27 Jul 2018

A possible source mechanism for magnetotail current sheet flapping

Liisa Juusola, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Urs Ganse, Markus Battarbee, Thiago Brito, Maxime Grandin, Lucile Turc, and Minna Palmroth


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Short summary
The Earth's magnetic field is shaped by the solar wind. On the dayside the field is compressed and on the nightside it is stretched as a long tail. The tail has been observed to occasionally undergo flapping motions, but the origin of these motions is not understood. We study the flapping using a numerical simulation of the near-Earth space. We present a possible explanation for how the flapping could be initiated by a passing disturbance and then maintained as a standing wave.