Articles | Volume 33, issue 4
Regular paper
09 Apr 2015
Regular paper |  | 09 Apr 2015

Additional acceleration of solar-wind particles in current sheets of the heliosphere

V. Zharkova and O. Khabarova

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E. Popova, V. Zharkova, and S. Zharkov
Ann. Geophys., 31, 2023–2038,,, 2013
Short summary
In this paper we present further observations of the solar-wind particles being accelerated to rather higher energies while passing through the HCS or a current sheet formed at the front of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection. This additional acceleration can explain the anticorrelation of ion and electron fluxes frequently observed around the ICME’s leading front. This acceleration can also provide a plausible explanation of the appearance of bidirectional strahls.