08 Dec 2020
 | 08 Dec 2020
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Requirement of HE-PIXE at High Z Elements in Charnockite Matrix Composition

Avupati Venkata Surya Satyanarayana, Mokka Jagannadha Rao, and Byreddy Seetharami Reddy

Abstract. The maximum of Proton Induced X-ray Emission analytical technique on metamorphic rocks in geology has used 3 MeV range proton beams for excitation of thick targets. Protons of such energies do not accurately excite K-X–rays for high Z elements in matrix geological compositions like charnockite. In this analysis, low-energy PIXE (LE-PIXE) uses K-X-rays of Low Z elements and L-X-ray series for high Z elements. The resulting spectra between K-X-rays of light elements and L-X-rays of heavy elements can require striping techniques to resolve overlap difficulties in matrix composition. The results high Z elements in charnockite are to be expected, as the cross section for K-shell ionization of high-Z elements have greater values in the proton energy range of greater than 3 MeV in case of charnockite matrix composition. It has been suggested that the overlap of these discrete, gamma-rays with the X-ray spectrum may be serious problem in charnockite high energy PIXE (HE-PIXE) work, sufficient to preclude its use as a viable analytical technique. The conclusion proves that for a very complex matrix charnockite material of unknown chemistry, a HE-PIXE analytical spectrum may contain various X-ray and gamma peaks, some of which may overlap, making the analysis of line identities and the evaluation of X-ray counts intractable. It does not however represent any intrinsic drawback in HE-PIXE, nor does it mean that HE-PIXE is any more or less intractable than many other nuclear analytical techniques. Alternatively, the same analytical tool use could be made of gamma-rays in HE-PIXE as in low energy analytical tools like PIGE, NRA or INAA to obtain the results of charnockite at high Z completely.

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Avupati Venkata Surya Satyanarayana, Mokka Jagannadha Rao, and Byreddy Seetharami Reddy

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Interactive discussion

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Avupati Venkata Surya Satyanarayana, Mokka Jagannadha Rao, and Byreddy Seetharami Reddy
Avupati Venkata Surya Satyanarayana, Mokka Jagannadha Rao, and Byreddy Seetharami Reddy


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Short summary
This study of the possibility of low energy-PIXE (3 MeV) applied to the higher Z elements of high grade metamorphic rocks, including Si (Li) detector is exactly valid or not for future studies. The experimental factors like incident energy, production cross sections, detector etc, behind the important high Z of matrix rocks by LE-PIXE are discussed and also the modifications which will be required at high Z elements like HE-PIXE or complementary methods.