Articles | Volume 41, issue 1
Regular paper
16 Jan 2023
Regular paper |  | 16 Jan 2023

Storm time polar cap expansion: interplanetary magnetic field clock angle dependence

Beket Tulegenov, Joachim Raeder, William D. Cramer, Banafsheh Ferdousi, Timothy J. Fuller-Rowell, Naomi Maruyama, and Robert J. Strangeway


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Short summary
We study how the polar regions of the Earth connect to space along magnetic field lines. While the Earth's magnetic field is mostly the shape of a dipole, at high latitudes the field lines tend to be open and connect to interplanetary space. This area of open field line is called the polar cap, and it is highly dynamic. Through data analysis and computer simulations, we find that the shape of the polar cap is closely controlled by the magnetic field embedded in the solar wind.