Referee report on ‘Statistical Distribution of Mirror Mode-like Structures in the Magnetosheaths of Unmagnetised Planets: 2. Venus as Observed by the Venus Express Spacecraft’ by Volwerk et al.
This study is one of a series of papers that investigates the presence of mirror mode-like structures within the magnetosheath regions of unmagnetized planets. This particular paper examines mirror mode-like structures in the Venusian magnetosheath, using spaceraft observations over several years. This work is also an extension of the authors’ previous published study in the Venus magnetosheath. This work is of interest and may be publishable after significant revisions.
• In general, the paper is too lengthy; primarily because it is quite disorganized. It meanders from case studies to histograms, to long time series, and then to statistical maps. Then more histograms, statistical maps, and case studies. Some analysis is provided, and then more statistical maps. While description of figures are usually provided as the figures are introduced, some important aspects are neglected until much later in the manuscript. Specific comments are provided below.
Specific comments and questions:
• Line 138: Why are these specific eigenvalue ratios used? Is there a rationale and/or reference?
• Line 141: {Bx,By,Bz} What coordinate system is this? VSO? MVA? Something else?
• Line 207: ‘total observational rate is ~50% higher’. It is not clear where this ratio comes from. It’s not obvious that any parameter or ratio of parameters in Table 1 supports this ~50% conclusion.
• Line 211: This is one example of the disorganization of this manuscript. Figs 4-6 are completely skipped, in order to describe Figs 7 and 8.
• Lines 223-225: ‘In a marginal way,…’. This statement is not at all obvious from the Figures; even with a lot of imagination.
• Fig.8 caption: It is said in the caption that the format is the same as that of Fig.6. But it is not the same, because the bow shock boundaries (solid black curve and dashed magenta curve) have been switched.
• Line 267 and Fig.9: This figure is very confusing. It is identical to Fig.6, and the caption does not match the figure.
• Figs.10 and 15: One way to better organize the paper would be to combine Figs. 10 and 15; plotting the histograms on a logarithmic scale and including the exponential fits of Fig.15. The mix/max ratio can then be plotted in a separate panel (and a 10* factor then wouldn’t be needed).
• Line 391: ‘these plots shows’. Which plots and from which paper? Please add a bit more description.
• Lines 413-414: ‘decrease of these numbers from the bow shock away,’. This clause is confusing. Do you mean: ‘decrease of this parameter with increasing distance from the bow shock towards the planet,’?
• Line 430: Regarding the low perentage of events: This obvious and important point should have been brought up when Fig.12 was first described; rather than waiting until this part of the manuscript.
• Line 441: ASPERA-4 data: Is this ion or electron data?
• Lines 442-445: These two sentences are extremely confusing and unclear. Please re-write.
• Line 456-458: This sentence is presented as a Conclusion, but it is actually an initial assumption based on earlier studies (Zhang et al. (2008); Russell et al. (1988))
Additional minor items:
• Line 58: ‘bow shock normal,, with this angle’ -> ‘bow shock normal, with’
• Line 75: maximume -> maximum
• Line 91: ‘exponential for’ -> ‘exponent coefficient between’
• p.4, footnote 1: whichs -> which
• Lines 119, 141: caculated -> calculated
• Line 128: ‘different, but more accurate, from’ -> ‘different from, but more accurate than’
• Line 145: ‘crossings based on’ -> ‘crossings used is based on’
• Fig.2: Spacecraft coordinates are labeled as MSO. Should this be VSO?
• Fig.2 caption, 2nd line: variantion -> variation
• Figs.2,3: Upper titles: The ratio threshold of maximum to intermediate eigenvalues is written as 2.5; but the threshold appears to be 3 in the 4th panels, and is written as 3 on Line 138.
• Line 204: ‘asymmetric division between solar miMiNum and maximum’ -> ‘asymmetric division of the sampling epoch between solar miNiMum and maximum’
• Line 209: ‘periapsis’. Is this the same as ‘pericentre’ in the caption of Fig.3? If yes, then please use consistent nomenclature.
• Line 242: excentricity -> eccentricity
• Line 258: ‘Putting indeed together’ -> ‘Putting together’
• Lines 264: ‘1-second events per day.’ -> ‘events per day.’
• Fig.5 caption: ‘<N> is the median’. This notation is typically used for the mean (average), not median. Also, Line 260 says that this is the average.
• Line 302: ‘flux onto the creation’ -> ‘flux for the creation’
• Line 315-316 (2 places): ‘with 30 deg around’ -> ‘within 30 deg of’
• Line 318: recorden -> recorded
• Fig.12 caption: quasi-perpendiculare -> quasi-perpendicular
• Line 341: ‘(Fig. 14.’ -> ‘(Fig. 14).’
• Line 343: ‘in which’ -> ‘during which’
• Fig.14: Grey and green bars are obscuring the traces. Please rearrange the order so that the traces are plotted on top of the gray and green bars.
• Line 372: ‘that only the generation’ -> ‘that the generation’
• Line 374: ‘depth, not through increased’ -> ‘depth; independent of’
• Line 375: ‘could be a temporal development’ -> ‘could be some temporal development’
• Line 417: ‘mean (red) and standard deviation (green) are overplotted.’. For people who are red-green color-blind, these traces cannot be discriminated. Please choose a better color scheme.
• Line 427: ‘various angles ranges’ -> ‘various angle ranges’
• Lines 434-435: ‘similar as in our present study.’ -> ‘similar to the current study.’
• Line 436: ‘except a few random’ -> ‘except for a few random’
• Line 441: noticed -> noted
• Lines 452-453: ‘This points at an extra necessity for MM-like structures to start to develop, apart from’ -> ‘This also suggests that MM-like structures are more likely to start to develop during solar maximum, separate from the’
• Line 459: ‘lies higher’ -> ‘is higher’
• Line 459: ‘solar minimum even when’ -> ‘solar minimum, after’
• Line 481: ‘What are the extra conditions’ -> ‘Are there additional conditions’
• Lines 482-484: ‘Also, the location of the solar minimum bow shock seems to take a special place, as during solar maximum it is the boundary where the probability, P, strongly increases.’ -> ‘Also, the bow shock appears to be a boundary where the probability, P, strongly increases, independent of the phase of the solar cycle.’
• Line 488: Missing closing parenthesis. |