Articles | Volume 39, issue 3
Regular paper
11 Jun 2021
Regular paper |  | 11 Jun 2021

Benchmarking microbarom radiation and propagation model against infrasound recordings: a vespagram-based approach

Ekaterina Vorobeva, Marine De Carlo, Alexis Le Pichon, Patrick Joseph Espy, and Sven Peter Näsholm

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Weather and Climate Dynamics (WCD).
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Notes on the correlation between sudden stratospheric warmings and solar activity
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Ann. Geophys., 37, 375–380,,, 2019
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Atmospheric band fitting coefficients derived from a self-consistent rocket-borne experiment
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Subject: Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun | Keywords: Waves and tides
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Cited articles

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Assink, J. D., Le Pichon, A., Blanc, E., Kallel, M., and Khemiri, L.: Evaluation of wind and temperature profiles from ECMWF analysis on two hemispheres using volcanic infrasound, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 119, 8659–8683, 2014. a
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Our approach compares infrasound data and simulated microbarom soundscapes in multiple...