Articles | Volume 39, issue 3
Regular paper
10 Jun 2021
Regular paper |  | 10 Jun 2021

Winds and tides of the Extended Unified Model in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere validated with meteor radar observations

Matthew J. Griffith, Shaun M. Dempsey, David R. Jackson, Tracy Moffat-Griffin, and Nicholas J. Mitchell

Data sets

University of Bath: Rothera Skiymet Meteor Radar data (2005–present) Nicholas J. Mitchell

University of Bath: Ascension Island Skiymet Meteor Radar data (2001–2012) Nicholas J. Mitchell

Short summary
There is great scientific interest in extending atmospheric models upwards to include the upper atmosphere. The Met Office’s Unified Model has recently been successfully extended to include this region. Atmospheric tides are an important driver of atmospheric motion at these greater heights. This paper provides a first comparison of winds and tides produced by the new extended model with meteor radar observations, comparing key tidal properties and discussing their similarities and differences.