Articles | Volume 39, issue 1
Regular paper
17 Feb 2021
Regular paper |  | 17 Feb 2021

Variability of the lunar semidiurnal tidal amplitudes in the ionosphere over Brazil

Ana Roberta Paulino, Fabiano da Silva Araújo, Igo Paulino, Cristiano Max Wrasse, Lourivaldo Mota Lima, Paulo Prado Batista, and Inez Staciarini Batista


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Short summary
Long- and short-period oscillations in the lunar semidiurnal tidal amplitudes in the ionosphere derived from the total electron content were investigated over Brazil from 2011 to 2014. The results showed  annual, semiannual and triannual oscillations as the dominant components. Additionally, the most pronounced short-period oscillations were observed between 7 and 11 d, which suggest a possible coupling of the lunar tide and planetary waves.