Articles | Volume 38, issue 4
Regular paper
14 Jul 2020
Regular paper |  | 14 Jul 2020

Horizontal electric fields from flow of auroral O+(2P) ions at sub-second temporal resolution

Sam Tuttle, Betty Lanchester, Björn Gustavsson, Daniel Whiter, Nickolay Ivchenko, Robert Fear, and Mark Lester

Data sets

A decade of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN): scientific achievements, new techniques and future directions G. Chisham, M. Lester, S. Milan, M. Freeman, W. Bristow, A. Grocott, K. Mcwilliams, J. Ruohoniemi, T. Yeoman, P. Dyson, R. Greenwald, T. Kikuchi, M. Pinnock, J. Rash, N. Sato, G. Sofko, J. P. Villain, and A. Walker

SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit (RST) 4.0 SuperDARN Data Analysis Working Group

Short summary
Electric fields in the atmosphere near dynamic aurora are important in the physics of the electric circuit within the Earth's magnetic field. Oxygen ions emit light as they move under the influence of these electric fields; the flow of this emission is used to find the electric field at high temporal resolution. The solution needs two other simultaneous measurements of auroral emissions to give key parameters such as the auroral energy. The electric fields increase with brightness of the aurora.