Articles | Volume 38, issue 3
Regular paper
13 May 2020
Regular paper |  | 13 May 2020

Occurrence climatology of equatorial plasma bubbles derived using FormoSat-3 ∕ COSMIC GPS radio occultation data

Ankur Kepkar, Christina Arras, Jens Wickert, Harald Schuh, Mahdi Alizadeh, and Lung-Chih Tsai


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Short summary
The paper focuses on the analyses of the global occurrence of equatorial plasma bubble events using S4 data that were calculated from GPS radio occultation measurements of the FormoSat-3/COSMIC mission. The advantage in using radio occultation data is that we get information not only on the occurrence and intensity of the equatorial bubble events, but also on the altitude distribution. We analyzed a 10.5-year time series of COSMIC data and demonstrated a strong dependence on the solar cycle.