Articles | Volume 38, issue 2
Regular paper
13 Mar 2020
Regular paper |  | 13 Mar 2020

Relation between the interannual variability in the stratospheric Rossby wave forcing and zonal mean fields suggesting an interhemispheric link in the stratosphere

Yuki Matsushita, Daiki Kado, Masashi Kohma, and Kaoru Sato


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Short summary
Interannual variabilities of the zonal mean wind and temperature related to the Rossby wave forcing in the winter stratosphere of the Southern Hemisphere are studied using 38-year reanalysis data. Correlation of the mean fields to the wave forcing is extended to the subtropics of the Northern Hemisphere. This interhemispheric link is caused by the wave forcing which reduces the meridional gradient of the angular momentum and drives the meridional circulation over the Equator in the stratosphere.