Articles | Volume 38, issue 1
Regular paper
10 Feb 2020
Regular paper |  | 10 Feb 2020

Model of the propagation of very low-frequency beams in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide: principles of the tensor impedance method in multi-layered gyrotropic waveguides

Yuriy Rapoport, Vladimir Grimalsky, Viktor Fedun, Oleksiy Agapitov, John Bonnell, Asen Grytsai, Gennadi Milinevsky, Alex Liashchuk, Alexander Rozhnoi, Maria Solovieva, and Andrey Gulin


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Short summary
The paper analytically and numerically treats the new theoretical basis for ground-based and satellite monitoring of the most powerful processes in the lower atmosphere and Earth (hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.), solar-wind magnetosphere (magnetic storms) and ionosphere (lightning discharges, thunderstorms, etc.). This can be provided by the determination of phases and amplitudes of radio waves in the Earth and ionosphere. In perspective, damage from the natural disasters can be decreased.