Articles | Volume 37, issue 5
Regular paper
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10 Sep 2019
Regular paper | Highlight paper |  | 10 Sep 2019

Hybrid-Vlasov modelling of nightside auroral proton precipitation during southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions

Maxime Grandin, Markus Battarbee, Adnane Osmane, Urs Ganse, Yann Pfau-Kempf, Lucile Turc, Thiago Brito, Tuomas Koskela, Maxime Dubart, and Minna Palmroth


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Short summary
When the terrestrial magnetic field is disturbed, particles from the near-Earth space can precipitate into the upper atmosphere. This work presents, for the first time, numerical simulations of proton precipitation in the energy range associated with the production of aurora (∼1–30 keV) using a global kinetic model of the near-Earth space: Vlasiator. We find that nightside proton precipitation can be regulated by the transition region between stretched and dipolar geomagnetic field lines.