Articles | Volume 37, issue 4
Regular paper
21 Aug 2019
Regular paper |  | 21 Aug 2019

Observation of seasonal asymmetry in the range spread F occurrence at different longitudes during low and moderate solar activity

Abimbola O. Afolayan, Mandeep Jit Singh, Mardina Abdullah, Suhaila M. Buhari, Tatsuhiro Yokoyama, and Pornchai Supnithi


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Short summary
The equatorial spread F (ESF) is a nighttime phenomenon that can have a deleterious effect on the radio communication system. We investigated the parameters influencing the seasonal morphology of the range type spread F (RSF) using ionosonde data from different longitude sectors. The observed RSF occurrence features showed distinct patterns across these sectors, including seasonal asymmetry. This asymmetry was attributed to the probable effect of the zonal wind reversal and gravity waves.