Articles | Volume 37, issue 6
Regular paper
16 Dec 2019
Regular paper |  | 16 Dec 2019

A numerical method to improve the spatial interpolation of water vapor from numerical weather models: a case study in South and Central America

Laura I. Fernández, Amalia M. Meza, M. Paula Natali, and Clara E. Bianchi


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Short summary
Integrated water vapor (IWV) values from ERA-Interim and MERRA-2 were compared to IWV from GNSS at 67 stations in Central and South America over a 7-year period (2007–2013). The comparison considered the geopotential height differences and the mean IWV values at each station. The discrepancies between IWV from the models and IWV GNSS rose as the geopotential height difference increased. We proposed a numerical correction that compensates for this effect, which was tested with IWV ERA-Interim.