Articles | Volume 35, issue 3
Regular paper
25 Apr 2017
Regular paper |  | 25 Apr 2017

Seismo-ionospheric anomalies in ionospheric TEC and plasma density before the 17 July 2006 M7.7 south of Java earthquake

Dan Tao, Jinbin Cao, Roberto Battiston, Liuyuan Li, Yuduan Ma, Wenlong Liu, Zeren Zhima, Lanwei Wang, and Malcolm Wray Dunlop


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Short summary
We report significant evidence for pre-seismic ionospheric anomalies in total electron content (TEC) of a global ionosphere map (GIM) and plasma density and temperature appearing on day 2 before the 17 July 2006 M7.7 south of Java earthquake. The LTT spatial analysis also reveals a new feature: the TECs on epicenter side anomalously decrease and lead to an anomalous asymmetric structure with respect to the magnetic equator starting from day 2 before and disappearing after the earthquake.