Articles | Volume 33, issue 3
Regular paper
04 Mar 2015
Regular paper |  | 04 Mar 2015

Long-term response of stratospheric ozone and temperature to solar variability

I. Bordi, F. Berrilli, and E. Pietropaolo


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Short summary
The paper investigates the long-term variability in stratospheric ozone (O3) and temperature (T) from 1979 to 2013, and its relationship with the 11-year solar cycle. It is found that O3 and T anomalies are characterized by long-term trends; (ii) correlations are consistent with photochemical reactions and large-scale transports; and (iii) wavelet cross-spectra between O3 and Mg II index show common power during the 11-year period, proving the impact of the solar variability on the atmosphere.