02 Dec 2024
 | 02 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ANGEO.

The Magnetic Vortex during a Solar Eclipse

Atef Zoughlami

Abstract. Researchers are intensively working to understand the phenomena that remain inadequately explained in connection with solar eclipses, including wind fluctuations, gravity waves, and oscillations in the Foucault pendulum. Despite the numerous theories that have been put up to elucidate these changes, substantial evidence remains necessary to substantiate any of them. Studies indicate that these alterations transpire more frequently at the core of the shadow and are observable throughout all atmospheric strata. Nevertheless, no research has concentrated on thoroughly examining the complete lunar umbra cone, encompassing the influence of the moon’s wake phenomena. The lunar umbra cone is a common structure at both ends. This work highlights the parallels between changes in wind and gravity waves during solar eclipses and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lines. Building on our analysis, we propose a novel concept that offers a more cohesive and effective explanation of these phenomena during eclipses. This explanation is based on the formation of the magnetic vortex generated by the IMF lines extending from behind the moon to the Earth.

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Atef Zoughlami

Status: open (until 13 Jan 2025)

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Atef Zoughlami
Atef Zoughlami


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Short summary
This study redefines our understanding of the factors influencing changes during solar eclipses by integrating observations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lines, winds, and gravity waves within the lunar umbra cone. This integration leads to a novel theory that reveals a magnetic vortex in the moon's wake that explains the origins of these changes and their impact on the atmosphere, winds, and Foucault's pendulum.