26 Apr 2019
 | 26 Apr 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ANGEO but the revision was not accepted.

Characteristics of ionospheric irregularities near the northern equatorial anomaly crest

Jinghua Li, Guanyi Ma, Klemens Hocke, Qingtao Wan, Jiangtao Fan, and Xiaolan Wang

Abstract. This paper detects the ionospheric irregularities with rate of total electron content (TEC) change index, ROTI from GPS observation at Taoyuan (24.95° N, 121.16° E) for the solar medium and minimum years of 2003 and 2008 in the declining phase of cycle 23, the solar maximum of 2014 in solar cycle 24. Local occurrence rate (LOR) is proposed to clarify the characteristics of the irregularities together with monthly occurrence rate (MOR) and ROTI maximum for 3 latitude belts, 20–23° N, 23–26° N, 26–29° N, around the equatorial anomaly crest. MOR in May/June is larger than those in equinoxes in 2008 and 2003, which is different from that of equatorial plasma bubbles. In 2014 although MOR maximum is observed in equinoxes, the MOR in May and June is much larger than that in September. Moreover, MORs in May to August at higher latitude belt 26–29° N are larger than those in lower latitude belts and smaller in the equinoxes. The latitudinal dependence of the LORs tends to be similar to that of MORs. Seasonal variations of LORs have a similar trend for different solar activities. Maximum LORs are observed in Feb/Mar and Sep/Oct, and moderate around June, which resemble those of plasma bubbles in seasonal variations, except for latitude belt 26–29° N where maximum LORs are seen in May–Jul. The seasonal variation of ROTI maximum conforms to that of the LOR. The results suggest that irregularities near the crest in May to August are mainly originated from nonequatorial process, which is more frequently happened but weaker than plasma bubble in both spatiotemporal scale and strength.

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Jinghua Li, Guanyi Ma, Klemens Hocke, Qingtao Wan, Jiangtao Fan, and Xiaolan Wang
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Jinghua Li, Guanyi Ma, Klemens Hocke, Qingtao Wan, Jiangtao Fan, and Xiaolan Wang
Jinghua Li, Guanyi Ma, Klemens Hocke, Qingtao Wan, Jiangtao Fan, and Xiaolan Wang


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Short summary
Local occurrence rate (LOR) is defined to clarify the characteristics of ionospheric irregularities together with monthly occurrence rate (MOR) at 20–29° N in solar minimum, medium and maximum years of 2008, 2003 and 2014. MOR of irregularities in May/June is larger than that in equinoxes, which is different with the equatorial plasma bubbles. LOR shows that the irregularities at 26–29° N in May/June are more frequently happened and have smaller spatiotemporal scales than those at lower latitudes.