30 Aug 2018
 | 30 Aug 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ANGEO but the revision was not accepted.

Evaluation of the IGS–Global Ionospheric Mapping model over Egypt

Mostafa Rabah and Ahmed Sedeek

Abstract. Global ionosphere maps (GIM) are generated on a daily basis at CODE using data from about 400 GPS/GLONASS sites of the IGS and other institutions. The vertical total electron content (VTEC) is modeled in a solar-geomagnetic reference frame using a Spherical Harmonics Expansion “SHE” up to degree and order 15. To cover the holes of the first GIM computation stage existing in the North Africa and over the Oceans resulting a shortage of GNSS station in North Africa, an optimum spatial-temporal interpolation technique was developed to cover these holes (Krankowski and Hernandez-Pajares, 2016).

The current paper evaluates the ionospheric correction by Global Ionospheric Maps, GIM, provided in (IONEX) files produced by International GNSS Services “IGS”. The evaluation is performed based on investigating the effect of a given GIM ionospheric correction on kinematic relative positioning solutions. The evaluation was done using several baselines of different lengths in Egypt. The results show that there is no significant effect of the provided GIM values on the solution of kinematic processing. The results confirm that although there is a lack of International GNSS Service (IGS stations) over North Africa, GIMs have no effect in mitigating ionospheric error. A new value for the ionosphere correction VTEC values was obtained by a regional, developed algorithm based on zero-differenced phase ionospheric delay (ZDPID) (Tawfeek et al., 2018). These new values of VTEC were fed into GIMs for the specified stations data. A useful result was obtained for correcting the ionospheric error over kinematic solution of many baseline lengths up to 300 km which demonstrates validity of the proposed evaluation method.

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Mostafa Rabah and Ahmed Sedeek
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Mostafa Rabah and Ahmed Sedeek
Mostafa Rabah and Ahmed Sedeek


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Short summary
The current paper evaluates the ionospheric correction by Global Ionospheric Maps, GIM, provided in (IONEX) files produced by International GNSS Services “IGS”. The evaluation is done based on investigating the effect of given GIM ionospheric correction on kinematic relative positioning solution. The evaluation has been performed on several baselines with different lengths in Egypt.