Articles | Volume 42, issue 2
Regular paper
06 Sep 2024
Regular paper |  | 06 Sep 2024

Statistical comparison of electron precipitation during auroral breakups occurring either near the open–closed field line boundary or in the central part of the auroral oval

Maxime Grandin, Noora Partamies, and Ilkka I. Virtanen


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Short summary
Auroral displays typically take place at high latitudes, but the exact latitude where the auroral breakup occurs can vary. In this study, we compare the characteristics of the fluxes of precipitating electrons from space during auroral breakups occurring above Tromsø (central part of the auroral zone) and above Svalbard (poleward boundary of the auroral zone). We find that electrons responsible for the aurora above Tromsø carry more energy than those precipitating above Svalbard.