Articles | Volume 42, issue 1
Regular paper
13 Jun 2024
Regular paper |  | 13 Jun 2024

Scale size estimation and flow pattern recognition around a magnetosheath jet

Adrian Pöppelwerth, Georg Glebe, Johannes Z. D. Mieth, Florian Koller, Tomas Karlsson, Zoltán Vörös, and Ferdinand Plaschke

Data sets

Solar wind data from NASA’s OMNI high resolution data set OMNI

THEMIS mission including level 2 FGM and ESA data THEMIS

Short summary
In the magnetosheath, a near-Earth region of space, we observe increases in plasma velocity and density, so-called jets. As they propagate towards Earth, jets interact with the ambient plasma. We study this interaction with three spacecraft simultaneously to infer their sizes. While previous studies have investigated their size almost exclusively statistically, we demonstrate a new method of determining the sizes of individual jets.