Articles | Volume 42, issue 1
Regular paper
07 May 2024
Regular paper |  | 07 May 2024

Simultaneous OI 630 nm imaging observations of thermospheric gravity waves and associated revival of fossil depletions around midnight near the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) crest

Navin Parihar, Saranya Padincharapad, Anand Kumar Singh, Prasanna Mahavarkar, and Ashok Priyadarshan Dimri

Data sets

OI 630 nm Airglow Images for 20120416 Navin Parihar

Video supplement

Movie showing Gravity Waves driven Revival of Fossil depletion DP1 and DP2 during 1630-1930 UT Navin Parihar

Short summary
Gravity waves are well known for deforming the bottom-side plasma of the F region into the wavelike ionization structures which then act as a seed for Rayleigh–Taylor instability, which in turn generates irregularities. The present study features midnight fossil airglow depletions that revived due to ongoing gravity wave (GW) activity and turned into an active depletion.