Articles | Volume 38, issue 1
Regular paper
23 Jan 2020
Regular paper |  | 23 Jan 2020

Impact of local gravity wave forcing in the lower stratosphere on the polar vortex stability: effect of longitudinal displacement

Nadja Samtleben, Aleš Kuchař, Petr Šácha, Petr Pišoft, and Christoph Jacobi


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Short summary
The additional transfer of momentum and energy induced by locally breaking gravity wave hotspots in the lower stratosphere may lead to a destabilization of the polar vortex, which is strongly dependent on the position of the hotspot. The simulations with a global circulation model show that hotspots located above Eurasia cause a total decrease in the stationary planetary wave (SPW) activity, while the impact of hotspots located in North America mostly increase the SPW activity.