Articles | Volume 38, issue 1
Regular paper
07 Jan 2020
Regular paper |  | 07 Jan 2020

Latitudinal variation of Pc3–Pc5 geomagnetic pulsation amplitude across the dip equator in central South America

Graziela B. D. Silva, Antonio L. Padilha, and Livia R. Alves


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Short summary
The paper shows a statistical analysis of Pc3 and Pc5 pulsations recorded during 60 d (September to November 1994) by a meridional magnetometer profile crossing the dip equator in central South America. This is the first time that a detailed mapping of latitudinal dependence of pulsation amplification at very low latitudes has been performed. One of the most prominent findings is that our equatorial Pc5s might be related to both horizontally and vertically incident MHD waves in the ionosphere.